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Imagine how exciting it would be to discover a safe energy source more versatile than electricity, more efficient than solar panels or a fuel burning engine, and more accessible than nuclear power...  Now, what if you discovered that this energy is yours to claim?

Physiohelanics provides the means for you to discover and access this energy for yourself.

You may be surprised to know that you are actually made of energy.  Scientists in the field of quantum mechanics have learned that matter and mass are actually a fiction, a concept invented to explain the seemingly real, physical illusion of our bodies and our world.  What we perceive as solid flesh, blood and bone, for example, are really wide open spaces filled with photonic particles, tiny pieces of light energy in constant motion.

On a daily basis, you benefit from the functioning of multiple energy systems, many of which may be familiar to you.  In addition to the commonly known electrical, bio-chemical, and magnetic energies in your body, scientists and energy practitioners also know about your quantum and etheric energy fields.  Physiohelanics allows you to use your body's own energy systems to enhance your health and facilitate your well-being.

Ann German, a Master Practitioner, conducts a Physiohelanics session. 

Commonly Experienced Physiohelanics Results:

  • A heightened sense of well being
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Feeling centered and empowered
  • Increasing vitality and enjoyment of life
  • Gaining insights into personal issues
  • Reducing the effects of chronic pain
  • Improving life skills
  • Speeding recovery from illness, accidents and surgery
  • Being unaffected by another's negative energy
  • Increasing or deepening spirituality
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Providing better sleep

How Physiohelanics works

Physiohelanics is similar to other energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and Therapeutic Touch.  It is extremely versatile and may be used as an adjunct or compliment to standard medical care as well as other natural healing techniques. 

Physiohelanics positively affects your energy flow or energy field;  these effects can in turn improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual quality of life.

There are several names for energy including universal life energy, chi, ki, or qi, consciousness, creator, light, intelligence, connection, oneness, and love.  This energy permeates the universe, surrounding and existing in all living things and is always available to everyone at all times.

In a Physiohelanics session, a specially trained energy healing practitioner acts as a conduit, directing healing energy through your body and energetic fields.  This can be done both in person and long distance. 

After a telephone consult, the practitioner begins your session by cleansing, balancing and repairing the etheric energy field surrounding your body.  When all of the energetic structures are functioning as they are meant to, the treatment shifts to the physical body.  The healer uses channeled energy to connect your body's major and minor energy points as the blocks to the natural flow of energy are cleared.  Healing can occur simultaneously.

A time is established for a phone consultation to be held at a mutually agreed upon time after a distance healing session.  Included in the consultation is a discussion of what was found, what was repaired, any energetic insights,  highlights of work performed, as well as relaying any messages from your higher self or others.

Ultimately, the goal of a Physiohelanics session is to re-educate your body, emotions, mind and spirit to remember what it is like to have vibrant health and to have your energy flow naturally. 

You are taught basic energy techniques so you can help yourself maintain a state of enhanced health and well-being. 

Unimpeded, balanced energy flow assists in all aspects of daily living, including success and enjoyment of life.

Origins of Physiohelanics

"Physiohelanics" comes from physio, the Greek word meaning natural, and helanic, the Old English word for healing.

Physiohelanics was created and developed by C. Diane Ealy, PhD. between 1976 and 1989.  Dr. Ealy founded the Ealy center for Natural Healing in Tucson, Arizona, which also became the only school for energy healing licensed by the Arizona State Board for Postsecondary Education.  For more information about the Ealy Center for Natural Healing, please visit www.becomeahealer.com.


"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy." ~ Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine


"I have been wrong. The germ is nothing. The 'terrain' is everything." ~ Louis Pasteur